Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is distinct from chiropractic treatment yet has the potential to prove equally as important. Chiropractic massage is the combination of massage and chiropractic care to enhance the health of your spine as well as your nervous system. Reach out to our chiropractic office at (360) 863-2396 (Monroe) or (360) 793-0904 (Gold Bar) to learn more about massage therapy and schedule an appointment. This treatment modality will help relieve vertebral subluxations, meaning it will address joints in the spine that are misaligned. Such adjustments realign joints while eliminating pain and tension along the spine and even the limbs.
Chiropractic massage enhances muscle and tissue health as opposed to a chiropractic adjustment that works the body’s comparably dense components. If our chiropractor determines you will benefit from massage therapy, it will be centered on the strategic use of oils, the application of pressure and even candles to help reduce physical tension and mental stress. Alternatively, if our chiropractor determines chiropractic massage is optimal, you will find this holistic pain treatment method successfully treats both your discomfort and your pain, potentially setting the stage for you to live pain-free.