Sports Injury Chiropractic


A back or neck injury suffered while playing sports has the potential to ruin your quality of life. Do not assume your back/neck injury will gradually improve on its own without professional chiropractic care. If you suffered even a minor injury while playing sports, reach out to our Monroe, WA chiropractors today at (360) 863-2396 (Monroe) or (360) 793-0904 (Gold Bar). We will analyze your unique sports injury and tailor chiropractic treatment accordingly.

The symptoms of a sports injury might not manifest for several days or even longer. If you experience swelling, muscle spasms, inflammation, headaches, dull pain or muscle pain after playing a sport, you likely have an injury that can be treated by our chiropractor. As an example, those who play football, hockey and other contact sports sometimes suffer whiplash in which the neck is forcefully and rapidly pushed backward/forward with a whipping-like motion. Sports injuries also cause pinched nerves stemming from spinal problems resulting form physical contact. Our back pain experts will relieve the pressure on the nerve, reducing your pain to the point that you can return to living life as you enjoyed it prior to your sports injury.